Endorsements are coming in for candidates for mayor and alder in the Chicago municipal election, now just 12 days away.  For a roundup of the endorsements, including those from the city’s two biggest newspapers, have a look at the latest issue of Ballotpedia’s e-newsletter The Deep Dish.

Ballotpedia, The Encyclopedia of American Politics Interested in more coverage of the Chicago election?  –All of the past issues of The Deep Dish are available hereFor a quick explanation of how the key “ingredients” of The Deep Dish were sourced, check out this description of the Chicago municipal election project, in which Ballotpedia collaborated closely with EnCiv’s other founding member, Interactivity Foundation.

Adolf Gundersen

Adolf Gundersen

Gundersen currently works as Research Director for Interactivity Foundation, an EnCiv partner. Before that he taught courses on democracy as an Associate Professor at Texas A & M University.